During the day | Arrival of the Participants, Registration at the Hotel |
07.00 pm |
Shuttle to Reception Venue |
08.00 pm |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) Reception
10.30 pm |
End of Reception |
09.00 am |
Registration |
10.00 am |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) Introduction Moderators: Ms Sumi Somaskanda and Ms Laila Harrak |
10.15–10.30 am |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) Opening Statement Mr. Michael Roth, Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
10.30–10.50 am |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) Keynote: Economic Governance – Social Justice. Questioning Governance Processes Mr. Rafat Ali Al-Akhali, Fellow of Practice for Strategic Projects at Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxord, UK. Co-Founder and Chairman of NGO »Resonate! Yemen« |
10.50–11.05 am |
Coffee Break |
11.05–01.00 pm |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) General Assembly I: What role for civil society, state institutions, entrepreneurs, non-state actors after the Arab Spring? Possible guiding questions: What is the role of state institutions versus the role of non-state actors/ civil society? What is left of the Arab Spring? Lessons drawn since 2011? Can we speak of an “NGO-cracy”? Who actually makes up “the” civil society? What are the interests of civil society actors?
01.00 pm |
Lunch |
02.00-04.30 pm |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers) General Assembly II: Assessing the impact of the Deauville Partnership 2011 – 2015 and beyond Speakers: Mr. Luiz de Mello, Deputy Director of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD Possible guiding questions: What are tangible outcomes of the Deauville Partnership/ initiatives by G7 or Arab donors? Have there been significant changes or improvements on a regional, global level? Who profits/suffers from these ideas/changes, in which way? Are sustainability and long-lasting impact ensured? If yes, how? |
04.30-06.00 pm |
Break For Participants: Time for informal networking |
06.00-07.00pm |
Dinner |
07.00-open end |
Exclusively for Civil Society Representatives,International Donor Institutions and Organisations 4 Parallel Draft Committee Sessions Committee I: Finance, Donors and Policy Chairs: Christian Hanelt Committee II: Entrepreneurs and civil society Committee III: NGOs and the law Committee VI: State and non-state cooperation |
11.00 pm |
End. Shuttle back to Hotel. |
09.00-10.45 am |
Minute takers, Rapporteurs, Experts, Chairs Completion of the preliminary version of the results by minute takers, rapporteurs, experts, chairs of the Draft Committees |
10.45-11.30 pm |
Exlusively for Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations Registration |
11.30-01.00 pm |
Exclusively for Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations Welcome Introduction of the resultsShort explanation on how the vote will be conducted Vote |
01.00-02.00 pm |
Lunch |
01.30-02.00 pm |
Press and Representatives of Governments (Observers) Registration |
02.00-02.45 pm |
Civil Society Representatives, International Donor Institutions and Organisations, Representatives of Governments (Observers), Press Results Moderators: Ms Sumi Somaskanda and Ms Laila Harrak |
03.00 pm |
End of Conference Leisure time for Participants |
06.30 pm |
Optional for participants of the Conference: zenithTalk »Start-Ups in the MENA region« |
09.30 pm |
Buffet, Get-Together in the location of zenithTalk |
Until noon |
Check-out of the Hotel |
Through the day |
Official departure of the participants |
© CANDID Foundation gGmbH 2015