Deauville Partnership Conference - a civil society outreach

Report on the Deauville Partnership Conference

Participants shared their thoughts on the outcomes of the Deauville Partnership Conference in the Spring 2016 issue of zenith Magazine.

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Pictures and Videos from the Deauville Partnership Conference in Berlin



Here you can find a selection of photos from the reception, the General Assembly sessions and the vote on the final recommandations# document to the G7

To the photo galleries

Here you can find a selections of contributions and exchanges from the General Assembly session of participants at the Deauville Partnership Conference

To the video galleries

هنا يمكنك العثور على مختارات من المساهمات والتبادلات من دورة الجمعية العامة للمشاركين في مؤتمر شراكة دوفيل

إلى معرض الفيديو



»Compact on Economic Governance« of the Deauville Partnership (final, 6 May 2015)

At the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on 25 September 2014 in New York the Deauville Partnership (DP) was called upon »to concentrate its efforts on jointly identified areas for priority action, such as institution- and capacity-building, good governance, regional integration, reforms to attract investment, promotion of small- and medium-sized enterprises, sustainable private sector development, and greater political and economic participation of women and youth«.

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Foundation for success? How entrepreneurs and civil society actors could jointly contribute to a stable and socially just society

Often times, interests of civil society actors and entrepreneurs seem to be diametrically opposed. Imagine both groups came together, realised they had common interests and decided to join their forces – let us build a vision.

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