
Country Overview: Egypt

Both the Arab World and the stakeholders of the international donor community closely watch transition in the most populous Arab country. Although Egypt seemed to be on a path back to the vanguard role model at the outset of the Arab spring, which resulted in the swift removal of long-time president Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, that euphoria has almost waned completely, especially among its youth activists.

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Country Overview: Tunisia

Despite being plagued by occasional political instability, security threats and persisting social inequalities, Tunisia is still regarded as the country that has managed its transition best so far.

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Country Overview: Morocco

Morocco did not see a fundamental change in leadership or political system, but did experience a period of civil upheaval, spearheaded by the youth movement »20th of February« that addressed the structural problems that the Maghreb monarchy shares with other countries. On a sub-regional scale, Morocco is considered an active contributor towards religious moderation and stability in the Sahel.

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